In Perth, a home with a soul

In Floreat, a suburb to the west of Perth, the capital of Western Australia, the Neil Cownie Architect agency has designed a residence which it has infused with modernist and brutalist contours, while preserving its regional roots. Inspired by the typical architectural heritage of the area, the house surfs on contemporary atmospheres.
In keeping with the spirit of the residential area of Floreat, Australia, but without imitating or replicating the past, this dwelling, the result of the genius talent of Neil Cownie Architect, reflects a strong identity by highlighting the unique urban attributes of its location. In “conversation with its past, present and future”, as its designer likes to repeat, the structure responds to the desires of the owners, who are fond of modernism and concrete. Spread over more than 500 m2, it incorporates, thanks to the spatial layout of the courtyards and terraces, the history of the “garden suburb” into its interior, thus generating a strong sense of belonging. The robust exterior materials extend into the interior to continue this seamless interaction between inside and outside. Concrete with wooden casing, glass and wood play a decisive role. Equipped with photovoltaic panels and designed to be sustainable, the house is built around a vast first floor, a basement and a smaller first floor, housing the master suite that opens onto a large green terrace. Elegant, with hand-made designer furnishings, the interiors embrace the irregular concrete surfaces. Authentic, the materials are chosen for their roughness, their texture, their simplicity, conforming to the Japanese aesthetic known as wabi-sabi and whose beauty lies in imperfection.