Modern luxury for Hyundai Motorstudio Goyang in South Korea

The giant car dealership is making a strong comeback in the competitive automotive market, with a comprehensive strategy targeting a modern, high-quality product. After four years of waiting, the Hyundai Motorstudio Goyang, designed by DMAA, opened in Seoul, South Korea.
DMAA, or Delugan Meissl Associated Architects, an architectural firm based in Austria, would be familiar with corporate projects. With a global vision relying on the fusion between the building and its context, as well as on fluid transitions, DMMA always finds, in the first place, difficulties to pass his artistic concepts to investors. However, when Hyundai launched a competition to find the best fit for its spatial representation guidelines, the austrian firm found no difficulty in generating a design manual for all of the brand’s spaces. Indeed, the established system encompasses technology, functionality, design, comfort and durability, the five pillars of the new image of the automotive giant. It also allows, despite its rigidity in terms of ideas, great flexibility in the contextual interpretation of any new creation. Their translation of know-how is the Hyundai Motorstudio Goyang, a project illustrating the journey taken by a car as well as the customer’s journey to this world of machinery. A stack of horizontal features pierces through a vertical connection, encouraging movement and discovery. The 9,266 m² of the building stimulates the imagination with very particular characteristics, such as the green wall, the landscape and a very rigorous ceiling layout.